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THE STANDARD: The following books are recommended because of the authors adherance to high standards of biblical hermeneutics. A scriptural standard must be understood and adhered to when expounding, teaching or sharing biblical topics.

2Pe_1:20  Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
2Ti_3:16a  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 
2Ti 3:17  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 
2Pe_1:21  For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

2Ti_2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Additionally most of the books listed here hold the following positions in their studies. That there is one God, and that the man Jesus Christ is the son of God. That a Christian is saved by grace, not of works, that no confession of sin is necessary, but rather confessing Jesus as Lord Rom 10: 9-10. That the dead ar not alive, but dead (asleep) awaiting the return of Jesus Christ for his saints 1Co 15:50-56 & 1Th 4:13-18. That the saved both of the old testament and new testament grace administration will not permenantly reside in heaven, but forever live in the "new heaven and earth" of the future. Rev_21:1 where Jesus Christ rules from the new Jerusalem descended to earth from heaven. Rev_21:10. We believe that studies which do not have a foundation in these basic truths are based upon the traditions of men, rather than the word of God.

Sincerity is not a guarantee of truth, but "it is written" is truth when rightyly divided..

Living in God's Power - This 30 hour audio class presents foundational keys for rightly dividing God's word 2Ti_2:15.
Biblical principles to be utilized when studying scripure. See also The Power For Abundant Living hardcopy book shown below
which lays out biblical keys to understanding and studying scripture .


Genesis One

Genesis One: God's Table of Contents to the Bible by Melvin Elliott: (Free pdf download) A foundational book which provides a wonderful overview of scripture from Gen throuth Rev. He shares several important truths which when undersood, remove much misunderstanding of structure and purpose of God's word. Highly recommended.

Music of the Bible

The Music of the Bible Revealed: The Deciphering of a Millenary Notation by Suzanne Haik-Vantoura as found on the, In this text the author, a musicologist argues that the accentual system preserved in the Masoretic Text was originally a method of recording hand signals (2chironomy) by which temple musicians were directed in the performance of music. She explains her reconstruction of these notations which has allowed her to perform around the world using only the Hebrew text as a score.

Music and songs of the bible reconstructed and played as they would have been originally heard and sung in the Hebrew tongue. See the youtube playlist of eight videos here.


Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete & Defunct by Matthew E. Narramore: This book is an in-depth analysis of tithing from the perspective of the New Covenant. It evaluates the scriptural references to tithing in their context: before the Law, during the Law, and after the Law. It exposes the faulty theology of tithing and explains why it hinders the body of Christ from entering the fullness of God’s provision and purpose. It also describes God’s plan for Spirit-led giving today.

Mysteries of Jesus's Life Revealed

Mysteries of Jesus’ Life – Revealed: His Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Ascensions by Joseph Lenard. When and Where did they really happen? There is extensive about the authors and about the details of their books. This is more than just a simple book about Jesus, but rather pinpoints the dates and places of the events of his earthly life.

There are 66 chapters, these are the chapter section titles.
When Was Jesus Born?
Where Was Jesus Born?
When Were Jesus’ Death, Resurrection, and Ascensions?Where
How Did Jesus Really Die?
Were Jesus’ Death, Resurrection, and Ascensions?
Where Was Herod’s Temple?
Wrap Up

The Last Shofar

The Last Shofar! by Joseph Lenard & Donald Zoller. "God has a calendar that clearly defines His plan of redemption. That calendar is prophetically revealed in the Feasts of the Lord. God precisely fulfilled every aspect of the Spring Feasts at His First Coming. He will likewise fulfill every aspect of the Fall Feasts at His Second Coming..."

1. All Things Jewish – Our Unavoidable Roots
2. Prophecy – A Misunderstood Message
3. Everybody Has it “Right”
4. What Most Evangelicals Believe
5. The Day Will Finally Arrive – The Day of the Lord
6. The Feasts of the Lord – A Preview of Coming Events
7. Making Our Case
8. The Clock is Ticking – What Time Is It?
9. Are You Ready?

Power for Abundant Living

Power for Abundant Living by Victor Paul Wierwille: 1971, Power for Abundant Living sets forth in written form a twelve-session class that Dr. Wierwille taught to thousands of students around the world. Power for Abundant Living explains the keys, or signposts, that guide readers to a knowledge of how the Word of God fits together from Genesis to Revelation. With an understanding of the accuracy and integrity of God’s Word, readers can learn how to use the spiritual abilities promised in the Word to evidence God’s abundance in their lives.

In the online bookstore you will find 46 books on bible reference, Aramaic studies, concordances, orientalisms, Bullinger's bible, his other works and more.

In their main online bookstore page you will find other important works such as
Receiving the holy spirit Today
Are the Dead Alive Now
Jesus Christ is Not God
Jesus Christ Our Passover
Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed
Along with the PFAL Collateral Series
Among others

Companion Bible

The Companion Bible, Burgundy, Large Print by E.W. Bullinger: This large print version of the Companion Bible is a unique and useful study Bible, with notes beside the text and 198 appendixes. The authors of this study Bible selected their information with the goal (as stated in the preface) “not merely to enable him [the reader] to interpret the Bible, but to make the Bible the interpreter of God’s Word, and Will, to him.” The text of The Companion Bible is the King James Version. This free handout explains some of the ways this research work can help you in your Biblical study.


Gospels Unified

The Gospels Unified by Daniel Stalker has the four Gospels laid out side by side chronologically so the narrative can be followed accurately. It was compiled to show that all Jesus accomplished during his ministry could indeed fit into a one-year period of time. It includes a synopsis of the four gospels with locations and dating, as well as 4 appendices laying out the Scriptural evidence for the one-year time span. Oversize premium hardcover.

The Christians Hope

The Christian’s Hope by John W. Schoenheit: The Hope of Jesus Christ's return for his saints, details and a timeline of events. Schoenheit brings breathtaking clarity to this subject. Scroll down the page to see it. The page linked above includes twelve books that can be purchased in hard copy or a free audio download.

The book list includes:
The Gift of Holy Spirit
One God & One Lord
Don’t Blame God
Is There Death After Life?
Prophecy: Understanding and Utilizing the Manifestation of Prophecy
Sex and Scripture: A Biblical Study of Proper Sexual Behavior
Considering Jesus
Learning to Enjoy the Bible
Bible Manners and Customs
Baptism: The History and Doctrine of Christian Baptism
The Bible: You Can Believe It
The Christian’s Hope

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger: to purchase hard copies or kindle editions visit Amazon to find several dozen tiles available. Or see free pdf versions available online here.

Reversiing Religious Repression 1

Six books by Jon O. Nessle

Reversing Religious Repression - The Sermons on the Mount, on the Plain and in the Valley Volume 1: This book started out as an inductive study of the first half of the Sermon on the Mount. It puts the reader back in that grassy amphitheater on the North shore of the Sea of Galilee, by portraying the historical background, the culture of the times and revealing the Lord’s intent for the message from his use of rhetoric, repetitions and figures of speech. But much to the author’s surprise, it turned into a vivid portrait of Jesus himself through his words, revealing his sheer genius and deep compassion and his real design for the Sermon: He was reaching out to the crowd to revitalize them from the ravages of the religious repression of the Pharisees and to launch a counter-culture of genuineness to heal the hypocrisy of the religious establishment.

Canonizing A Counter-Culture - The Sermons on the Mount, on the Plain and in the Valley Volume II: The Sermon on the Mount is the greatest speech ever and the best example of Jesus' teaching ability. His message contains gem-like multi-levels of understanding and timeless truths, which heal believers. This second volume on the Sermon on the Mount takes the healing from the individual level to the collective level. It was clearly Jesus' intent to improve the culture of his time. But the things he emphasized are just as needful and effective today for our troubled and sinful society.

The Summer of Truth - The Revelation of Christ's Sermon on the Plain: The Sermons on the Mount, on the Plain and in the Valley - Volume III: Jesus was the greatest public speaker of all time. Even his opponents declared that "No man has ever spoken like this man." The Author covers the following topics: How much influence did the Sermon on the Mount have on Christ's ministry? What is the clue which unlocks the Beatitudes? Why are there four Gospels? How does the Gospel Era fit with the rest of the times in the Bible? What is the Kingdom of Heaven? How important are the Beatitudes? What were the central messages of the Gospels? This Volume portrays the beliefs of Original Christianity which changed the whole world. Jesus' teachings were both the zenith of Judaism and the seed of Christianity. When we understand them, we truly will never be the same.

The Path into Eternity: The Sermons on the Mount, on the Plain and in the Valley Volume IV: This is the final volume in a series featuring the three greatest Sermons of Jesus. The Sermon in John 13-17 is special because a lot of it was given by inspired utterance - straight prophecy about what would occur when Jesus went to the Father. But that message is even more remarkable when we realize that Jesus delivered it fully knowing what was going to happen to him within a few hours. One can truly see how he loved us. Many authors have presented the words of Jesus from a subjective standpoint, developing commentary based upon the thoughts that Jesus' words inspire. However, this book features an objective approach bringing out Jesus' intent for his message based upon his use of rhetoric and figures of speech. Ancient speakers often used repetitions to frame their most important content and to guide listeners to properly interpret their words. This Sermon is full of these signals. The author fully explains this, making this beautiful Sermon understandable. The author also approached the fourth and fifth phases of Christ's ministry from a very unique standpoint: The Oracles of God - Decrees from Heaven. This rewrites the events from a truly exciting spiritual perspective.

Leadership in the Body of Christ: The Body of Christ is the most wonderful organization that has ever existed. It is the arena in which every Christian can discover their destiny: their heavenly calling. Because of God's provision, the Body of Christ must be led in a different manner than secular organizations so that believers can blossom and discover and answer their callings. The world favors a one-to-many leadership model where one motivated individual achieves a position and rules from the top-down. However, the Body of Christ is best coordinated according to a many-to-many paradigm where inspired leaders encourage participation and share leadership with others so they may all intertwine and grow. Out of print, but copies can be found on ebay.

Happy Belated Birthday, Jesus!: The Astronomy involving the possibilities for the Star has been simplified into less intimidating and easier to conceive terms. Plus the seemingly conflicting accounts of the Gospel records of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ are shown to be in harmony. Many interesting details are revealed by the explanation of Biblical customs and the actual date of the birth of Christ is shown.

Complete Jewish Bible

Messianic Jewish Publishers & Resources: Messianic Jews believe on Jesus the Messiah and that the entire bible is a Jewish book. They approach the study of scripture from their cultural and Hebrew background. One work of note is the Complete Jewish Bible among other books and studies.

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